NexMetro offers a best-in-class real estate investment strategy with superior returns.
Explore InvestmentsOur differentiated rental housing product fills a high-demand niche in prime growth markets by blending upscale, single-family appeal with apartment convenience – providing investors a strong defensive strategy against market volatility.
Since 2012, NexMetro has raised more than $475M and is actively seeking new investment for our open funds. More than 95% of our investors continue to invest in our proven platform.
* Project return objectives are typically 15-20% (minimum 15% gross return objective). Historical average net return to investors on exited projects has been 21.5% (IRR). Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
** Past performance is not a guarantee, projection or prediction and is not necessarily indicative of future results. All investments are subject to risk, including total loss of investment. The information presented here is presented in summary form and is therefore subject to numerous qualifications and further explanation and is not intended to fully encompass all information necessary to evaluate an investment with NexMetro and should not be used for such purposes. Neither the SEC nor any state securities administrator has passed on, or endorsed, the merits of information presented here. More complete information regarding the investment products and services offered by NexMetro is contained in the relevant offering documents, constitutional documents, and subscription documentations for such products and services, which should be read in their entirety prior to investing.